Broadsheet newsletter. Previously, Paige was a contributing writer with Seattle Gay News and a reporter and editorial assistant with Paperwork Studios, a New York City-based media startup that produced B2B newsletters. At Paperwork, she covered diversity, equity, and inclusion in the technology space; investor relations in private equity and venture capital; and community banking. Born and raised in Maine, Paige received her bachelor’s degree from Emerson College and currently lives in Seattle. Follow all of Paige's stories here.

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Paige mcglaulin是一名记者欧宝竞技ob的领导办公桌,并帮助撰写报纸时事通讯。此前,佩奇是西雅图同性恋新闻的特约撰稿人,也是文书工作室的记者和编辑助理,文书工作室是一家总部位于纽约的媒体初创公司,生产B2B新闻简报。在文书工作,她负责技术领域的多样性、公平性和包容性;私募股权投资和风险投资的投资者关系;还有社区银行。佩姬在缅因州出生和长大,在爱默生学院获得学士学位,目前住在西雅图。关注佩姬的所有故事在这里
