CFO Daily newsletter. Prior to joining Fortune, she was a reporter at Industry Dive covering workplace compliance, compensation, and talent management. Sheryl was previously a senior business writer and managing editor at DiversityInc. In her role, she interviewed Fortune 500 executives for quarterly panel discussions on diversity, and led a team of writers to create a daily newsletter. Sheryl was a HuffPost contributor and worked as a multimedia journalist at Scripps Newspapers/TCPalm in South Florida. A native of New York, Sheryl earned a bachelor’s degree at Syracuse University and a master’s degree at New York University. Follow all of Sheryl's stories here.

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谢丽尔·埃斯特拉达是欧宝竞技ob并产生财务总监的日常时事通讯。加盟前欧宝竞技ob她曾在Industry Dive担任记者,报道工作场所合规、薪酬和人才管理。谢丽尔此前是多元化公司(diverityinc .)的高级商业作家和执行主编。在她的角色中,她面试欧宝竞技ob500主管每季度关于多样性的小组讨论,并领导一个作家团队创建每日通讯。谢丽尔是《赫芬顿邮报》的撰稿人,曾在南佛罗里达州斯克里普斯报业/TCPalm担任多媒体记者。谢丽尔是纽约人,在雪城大学获得学士学位,在纽约大学获得硕士学位。关注谢丽尔的所有故事在这里
