Goldman Sachs for more than a decade, but her rise truly began when she was appointed managing director in 2019. The following year, she became one of the youngest women in the company’s history to achieve the rank of partner. “I think it was important to see that it’s possible to make partner as a female trader, particularly one who is devoted to her family and emphasizes a healthy work-life balance to her team,” Auriault says. “I had a lot of women reach out to me after I was promoted, letting me know how it represented an inflection point for them.” Auriault accepted an offer in 2022 to join Goldman’s partnership committee, which stewards the firm’s culture. She’s also a member of the global markets inclusion and diversity committee. In the coming years, Auriault says she’s looking forward to “continuing to scale my business and being a true partner to our clients,” adding, “initially my remit was focused on the U.S. Now, I’m managing the team globally. Next, I’d love to expand into more areas, and institutionalize the success we’ve seen across different product suites.”"> Anne-Victoire Auriault |财欧宝竞技ob富 - 欧宝体育下载平台

Anne-Victoire Auriault

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Anne-Victoire Auriault一直在高盛(Goldman Sachs)十多年来欧宝球网站,她的崛起真正开始于2019年被任命为董事总经理。第二年,她成为该公司历史上最年轻的合伙人之一。奥里奥特说:“我认为,重要的是要看到,女性交易员也有可能成为合伙人,尤其是一个忠于家庭,并强调在团队中保持健康的工作与生活平衡的人。”“在我升职后,有很多女性主动联系我,告诉我这对她们来说是一个转折点。”奥里奥特在2022年接受了加入高盛合伙人委员会的邀请,该委员会负责管理该公司的文化。她也是全球市场包容和多元化委员会的成员。奥里奥特说,在未来几年,她期待着“继续扩大我的业务,成为我们客户的真正合作伙伴”,她补充说,“最初我的工作重点是美国,现在我在全球范围内管理团队。接下来,我希望扩展到更多领域,并将我们在不同产品套件中所看到欧宝球网站的成功制度化。”