endorsement deal Bueckers signed last year with Gatorade. It was that brand’s first partnership with an NCAA player—making Bueckers one of the biggest college stars to benefit from the NCAA rule change that allows collegiate athletes to profit off their name, image, and likeness. While most male athletes who graduate into professional basketball can expect annual salaries in the millions, expected compensation in the WNBA is in the thousands. The NCAA rule change proves that entrepreneurial female athletes like Bueckers have what it takes to promote women’s sports—as well as or better than their schools, leagues, or organizations ever could.       Follow: Twitter Instagram TikTok"> Paige Bueckers |财欧宝竞技ob富 - 欧宝体育下载平台


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Paige Bueckers由于前交叉韧带撕裂,在2022-23赛季的大部分时间里都在场边。但这位康涅狄格大学的球星表示,她决心明年回到球场上,特别是在大学水平上:她拒绝了加入WNBA的机会,继续成为哈士奇队的一年。这一决定与多年密切相关代言合同Bueckers去年与佳得乐签约。这是该品牌首次与NCAA球员合作,使别克成为最大的大学明星之一,从NCAA规则的变化中受益,该规则允许大学运动员从他们的名字、形象和肖像中获利。虽然大多数毕业后进入职业篮球的男性运动员都有望获得数百万美元的年薪,但WNBA的预期薪酬只有数千美元。NCAA规则的改变证明了像Bueckers这样有创业精神的女运动员有能力促进女性体育运动,甚至比她们的学校、联盟或组织所能做到的更好。遵循:推特InstagramTikTok