CVS Health chief Lynch ranks No. 1 on the Fortune Most Powerful Women list. Not only does Lynch have the distinction of running the highest-ranking Fortune 500 company ever to be led by a woman, the same holds true for the Global 500, where CVS ranked No. 10 this year. The company generated $292 billion in revenue in 2021, a 9% jump year over year, while profits climbed 10% to nearly $8 billion. Wall Street likes what it sees: Since Lynch took over in February 2021, CVS shares are up 42%, outpacing the S&P 500’s 2% rise. The company continues its efforts to become a one-stop shop for health care following its role in the COVID vaccination campaign; it administered over 59 million jabs and delivered more than 32 million tests in 2021 alone. Lynch is also focusing on customers’ mental health, implementing a program to reduce suicide attempts among its Aetna members (see our Change the World list for more)."> 凯伦·林奇|财富欧宝竞技ob - 欧宝体育下载平台

凯伦(merrill Lynch)

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连续第二年,CVS健康林奇在《财富》杂志最具影响力女性榜单上排名第一。欧宝竞技ob林奇不仅是《财富》500强(Fortune 500)女性领导人中排名最高的公司,在全球500强(Global 500)中也是如此,CVS今年排名欧宝竞技ob第10。该公司2021年的收入为2920亿美元,同比增长9%,利润增长10%,达到近80亿美元。华尔街喜欢现在的情况:自林奇于2021年2月上任以来,CVS的股价上涨了42%,超过了标准普尔500指数2%的涨幅。继在COVID疫苗接种运动中发挥作用后,该公司继续努力成为一站式医疗保健商店;仅在2021年,它就进行了5900多万次注射,并进行了3200多万次检测。欧宝球网站林奇还关注客户的心理健康,实施了一项计划,以减少安泰保险(Aetna)会员的自杀企图(详情请参阅我们的“改变世界”榜单)。欧宝球网站