Facebook page that has since swelled into a community of more than 165,000 people who have experienced COVID. The organization, which Berrent started mainly to mobilize plasma donations, has morphed into something much broader. Part support group, part ready pool of research subjects, part nimble participant in pandemic response, Survivor Corps, which has partners across the health system, is now involved in activities as wide-ranging as connecting patients to critical antibody treatments, supporting clinical studies, and developing diagnostic standards for “long” COVID. Many companies have approached Berrent, looking to monetize the data of Survivor Corps’ members, an offer she always refuses. As she sees it, Survivor Corps is writing the playbook for a new collaborative era of “citizen science.” Key to it, she says, is transparency, equity, and empowering patients."> 戴安娜·伯伦特|财富欧宝竞技ob - 欧宝体育下载平台


WGL 2021-戴安娜·贝伦特
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从2020年3月初戴安娜·伯伦特感染COVID-19的那一刻起,她就一直站在美国大流行的前沿。这位纽约华盛顿港的摄影师受到了当时特别可怕、耻辱和未知的疾病的打击,她公开了自己的病例,每天为《纽约时报》撰写冠状病毒日记《纽约邮报》为了揭开这种疾病的神秘面纱,增进人们对它的了解。同样的冲动使她在隔离期间成立了幸存者组织(Survivor Corps)脸谱网自那以后,该网站已经发展成为一个拥有超过16.5万名经历过COVID的人的社区。欧宝球网站贝伦特创办这个组织主要是为了动员血浆捐赠,但现在它已经发展成为一个更广泛的组织。幸存者组织部分是支持小组,部分是现成的研究对象库,部分是大流行应对的灵活参与者,该0b足球组织在整个卫生系统都有合作伙伴,目前参与的活动范围广泛,包括为患者提供关键抗体治疗,支持临床研究,以及制定“长”COVID的诊断标准。许多公司已经找到Berrent,希望将幸存者组织成员的数据变现,但她总是拒绝这一提议。在她看来,幸存者组织正在为“公民科学”的新合作时代撰写剧本。她说,关键在于透明、公平和赋予患者权力。