Stéphane Bancel told Fortune’s Brainstorm Health virtual conference in 2020, its COVID vaccine is “not our first vaccine, it’s our 10th.” At BioNTech, meanwhile, cofounders Ugur Sahin and Özlem Türeci had begun collaborating in 2018 with multinational pharma giant Pfizer, working together on an experimental mRNA flu vaccine. That meant Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla had the confidence to quickly commit to a partnership with BioNTech on a COVID inoculation. Pfizer also had the deep pockets to put $2 billion into development of that vaccine without having to accept research funding from governments. Bourla wanted to be able to move fast without having to seek approval on every decision from an outside stakeholder, he told Fortune recently: “I couldn’t do that if I was taking government money.” While it’s already paying off in the fight against COVID, mRNA has only begun to show its potential. Compared with traditional vaccines, mRNA vaccines are both easy to tweak—to react, for example, to variants of a global virus like SARS-CoV-2—and relatively easy to scale up. But wherever its deployment ultimately leads, what may seem like overnight success was the product of years of hard work and calculated risk-taking, by leaders whose place in the pharma pantheon now seems assured."> 开拓者|财富欧宝竞技ob - 欧宝体育下载平台


WGL 2021-MRNA先驱
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2020年初,还没有一种涉及信使RNA (mRNA)传递系统的疫苗或疗法被监管机构批准广泛使用。如今,世界上最有效和最广泛使用的两种COVID-19疫苗——由辉瑞/BioNTech和modern.com开发——依赖于mRNA,仅在美国就使用了约2.5亿剂,全球还有数亿剂。欧宝球网站但是,如果少数有远见的领导人没有准备好在几率很小的时候把赌注押在mRNA上,这些疫苗可能仍然停留在图纸上。mRNA分子是在20世纪60年代初被发现的,但直到21世纪头十年中期,研究人员才发现如何修改这些分子的组成部分用于治疗目的,以便mRNA链能够安全地与身体相互作用。0b足球Moderna总部位于马萨诸塞州坎布里奇。总部位于德国美因茨的BioNTech公司看到了这一突破的潜力,并批准了相关发现。随后,两家公司都在生物技术领域花了数年时间,各自建立了一个研究体系,其中mRNA在治疗某些疾病方面存在不足,但对其他疾病却有希望。0b足球这两家公司经常遇到一个类似的问题:当经常或有规律地使用mRNA疗法时,会引发危险的强烈免疫反应。但这样的结果表明,mRNA可能非常适合疫苗,只需要一到两剂。长期的经验意味着两家公司都准备在2020年初采取行动,当时中国开始出现可怕的新流行病的消息。 Each company had experimental vaccines ready to test in the early weeks of the pandemic, and each had reached late-stage clinical trials within six months—unprecedented speed in the drug-development world. But as Moderna CEOStephane Bancel告诉欧宝竞技ob财富的微软的头脑风暴健康虚拟会议到2020年,该公司的COVID疫苗“不是我们的第一种疫苗,而是我们的第十种疫苗。”与此同时,在BioNTech,联合创始人Ugur领域而且Ozlem Tureci已于2018年开始与跨国制药巨头合作辉瑞他们一起研究一种实验性的mRNA流感疫苗。这意味着辉瑞首席执行官艾伯特Bourla有信心迅速承诺与BioNTech合作开发新冠病毒疫苗。辉瑞公司也有雄厚的财力投入20亿美元开发这种疫苗,而不必接受政府的研究资金。0b足球博拉希望能够快速行动,而不必对每个决定都寻求外部利益相关者的批准,他告诉欧宝竞技ob最近“如果我拿的是政府的钱,我就做不到。”虽然mRNA在对抗COVID的斗争中已经取得了成效,但它才刚刚开始显示出它的潜力。与传统疫苗相比,mRNA疫苗既容易调整——例如,对sars - cov -2等全球性病毒的变体做出反应——也相对容易扩大规模。但无论其最终走向何方,看似一蹴而就的成功,都是多年努力工作和精心策划的冒险的结果,而这些领导者在制药行业的地位如今似乎已经确定无疑。