investing in women’s health—from public policy to the private sector—even more critical. In Silicon Valley, Deena Shakir has quickly become a go-to VC in the space. The only female partner at Lux Capital, a firm with $4 billion in assets under management, Shakir has backed employer-benefits platform Maven Clinic, fertility tech company Alife Health, and pediatrics startup Summer Health. The Google alumna and former State Department staffer even helped mint Maven as the first unicorn in the women’s and family health category.       Follow: Twitter Instagram"> Deena Shakir |财欧宝竞技ob富 - 欧宝体育下载平台
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的逆转罗伊v。韦德已经取得了投资于妇女健康——从公共政策到私营部门——甚至更为关键。欧宝球网站在硅谷,蒂娜·沙基尔(Deena Shakir)已迅速成为该领域的知名风投人士。作为Lux Capital唯一的女性合伙人,Shakir投资了雇主福利平台Maven Clinic、生育技术公司Alife Health和儿科初创公司Summer Health。Lux Capital管理着40亿美元的资产。的谷歌这位前美国国务院工作人员甚至帮助Maven成为女性和家庭健康领域的第一家独角兽。遵循:推特Instagram