mental health treatments based on novel technology and drugs—notably psilocybin mushrooms and other psychoactive substances whose medical uses have only recently started being taken seriously. Brand, who has a business rather than medical background, delved into the field after witnessing friends and family members struggle to find adequate conventional treatments for their depression and other mental health disorders. Brand notes the need for diverse treatments in the space, and Atai has set up or bought a number of subsidiaries that are each investigating different potential routes. The company hopes to gather a critical mass of data within the next couple of years, and is working with regulators to pave the way for future treatments.       Follow: Twitter Instagram"> Florian品牌|财富欧宝竞技ob - 欧宝体育下载平台


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Florian品牌是Atai生命科学公司的首席执行官,德国生物制药公司正在努力开发新的心理健康治疗基于新技术和drugs-notably psilocybin蘑菇和其他精神物质的医疗使用最近才开始认真对待。品牌,业务而非医学背景,钻研这个领域后目睹朋友和家人很难找到足够的常规治疗抑郁症和其他精神疾病。品牌笔记需要不同的治疗方法,和Atai建立或购买许多不同的子公司每个调查潜在的路线。公司希望收集大量的数据在未来的几年中,并与监管机构合作,为未来铺平道路的治疗方法。遵循:推特Instagram