After its Shape-up shoes tripped Skechers up—the company settled FTC charges that it made excessive claims about their effect on losing weight and toning muscle—at the end of 2011, Greenberg shaped up the company’s operations and marketing to reach a record market cap of $8 billion this summer. He followed that by announcing the highest quarterly sales in the company’s 23-year history in October—but the stock fell sharply because Skechers missed its earnings target due to unexpectedly high costs. Increases in international sales and expanding retail operations, with a goal of over 1,280 Skechers’ stores worldwide by the end of 2015, have pushed sales upward. Greenberg’s effective marketing campaigns—Kim Kardashian, Demi Lovato and Ringo Starr all endorse products—have helped the company sprint past competition like Adidas to become the No. 2 sports-footwear brand in America (behind only Nike) and the No. 1 kids-footwear brand worldwide.

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塑造鞋绊倒后思凯捷冒出来的公司解决FTC指控,过度的关于影响减肥和塑身肌在2011年底,格林伯格塑造了公司的业务和营销达到创纪录的80亿美元的市值。他随后宣布最高的季度销售公司在十月23年历史的股票大幅下跌,因为思凯捷错过由于意外高成本收益目标。国际销售和扩大零售业务的增加,目标1280多思凯捷的商店全球到2015年底,使销量上升。格林伯格的有效的营销campaigns-Kim·卡戴珊,黛米•洛瓦托和Ringo Starr认可产品帮助该公司冲刺过去竞争像阿迪达斯成为2号运动鞋品品牌在美国(仅次于耐克)和1号kids-footwear全球品牌。