Instagram sketches, auspiciously ahead of the TikTok boom, that would peak in 2020 and only further his career. The 27-year-old writer and actor from Boise does it all, from personifying the 12 zodiac signs to portraying original characters like Kooper the Gen Z intern and Jenni the TMI hairstylist to delivering his famous celebrity impressions, be it Paris Hilton, Lana Del Rey, Shawn Mendes, Timothée Chalamet, or the Kardashians. He moved to Los Angeles during the pandemic to pursue his career as a comedian and launched a pop culture podcast on Spotify in April 2021, Obsessed, with cohost, friend, and fellow comedian Mary Beth Barone. Whether he’s collaborating with MAC Cosmetics,, or the White House (this third project a viral video on the importance of getting vaccinated against COVID-19) or posting his own editorial content, Skinner’s work is full of reality TV–esque chaos and whimsical breaches of good taste. Follow: TikTok Twitter Instagram YouTube"> 本尼戏剧| 2021年25 |财富创造者欧宝竞技ob - 欧宝体育下载平台

    贝尼托·斯金纳,更好的被他的艺名,Benny戏剧,也许是社交媒体时代的卓越的个人画展:他写道,电影,指导,编辑,执行,和风格他所有的内容。斯金纳首先获得声望为他的幽默Instagram草图、吉祥地TikTok繁荣之前,将在2020年达到峰值,只有进一步的职业生涯。这位27岁的作家兼演员从博伊西,从拟人化了12星座描述原始字符如Kooper创Z实习生和珍妮三里岛事故发型师交付他著名的名人的印象,是巴黎希尔顿拉娜德雷,肖恩·门德斯Timothee Chalamet,或卡戴珊。他搬到洛杉矶在大流行期间继续他的职业生涯作为一个喜剧演员,推出了流行文化的播客Spotify2021年4月,痴迷cohost,朋友,玛丽•贝思巴龙的喜剧演员。他是否与苹果合作的化妆品,,或白宫(这第三个项目一个病毒视频的重要性得到接种COVID-19)或发布自己的编辑内容,斯金纳的作品充满现实TV-esque混乱和反复无常的违反好品味。遵循:TikTok推特InstagramYouTube