Last year Boler Davis joined Amazon to run its network of more than 175 warehouses in 16 countries that enable the retailer’s gargantuan e-commerce business. In August, she became the first Black person to join CEO Jeff Bezos’s S‑team leadership group. Boler Davis joined Amazon after 25 years at General Motors, where she rose through the ranks to ultimately run its 170 factories.  Read more: This ace engineer powered Amazon through the COVID crisis

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Chona Kasinger
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去年伯乐戴维斯加入亚马逊其网络运行在16个国家超过175仓库,使零售欧宝球网站商的庞大的电子商务业务。今年8月,她成为第一个黑人加入亚马逊CEO杰夫·贝索斯的S -团队领导小组。伯乐戴维斯加入亚马逊在25年通用汽车(General Motors)最终,她通过排名上升到旗下的170家工厂。阅读更多:欧宝球网站这王牌工程师驱动亚马逊通过COVID危机
