Two years ago, Marianne Lake and Jennifer Piepszak swapped jobs, trading off as company CFO and a high-ranking CEO of the consumer bank. It was a moment that revealed to industry watchers just how serious JPMorgan Chase was about giving each executive the experience she would need to one day, perhaps, take over the entire operation. This year, JPM upped the ante—and set up our first ever MPW list tie—by placing the pair in the same job at the same time: co-CEOs of consumer and community banking. Neither woman is technically yet running a Wall Street bank (that honor is still held only by Jane Fraser at Citi), but this shared job is close. With $51 billion in net revenue and $8 billion in net income, Chase is larger than Goldman Sachs and would be the sixth-largest bank on Wall Street on its own. The pair have complementary résumés. Lake, 52, earned her stripes as a finance exec with a knack for numbers that analysts find remarkable, while Piepszak, 51, rose through the ranks in corporate and investment banking positions. In this co-CEO role, each is continuing to build experience in areas in which she doesn’t yet have much. Lake, a British transplant to New York, oversees payments, lending, and commerce—divisions like auto finance and card services—while Piepszak runs consumer and business banking and wealth management. Some observers question why two women have been placed in what seems to be a face-off for the top job (the pair took over the position from retiring exec Gordon Smith, who ran the operation solo). Others are simply skeptical that co-leadership roles at such a high level can function successfully (although job-sharing arrangements aren’t uncommon in finance). “In the rare situations where it works, it’s brilliant,” says Jane Stevenson, vice chair of board and CEO services at leadership advisory firm Korn Ferry. “But if you’ve got competition between the two leaders, that tends to create destructive or toxic elements.” In public statements, Lake and Piepszak have always emphasized their respect and support for each other—and analysts say they see both as prime contenders to succeed Jamie Dimon (though likely not for a while, given his new five-year, 1.5 million option retention bonus). “You just look at them and you’re impressed with how good they are,” says Evercore analyst Glenn Schorr. For those eager to see another woman run a bank on Wall Street, an arrangement that places two respected execs closer to the very top is only good news. —Emma Hinchliffe Subscribe to The Broadsheet, our newsletter on the world’s most powerful women."> 玛丽安湖和詹妮弗Piepszak | 2021年最有权势的女性|财富欧宝竞技ob - 欧宝体育下载平台


湖”- 2021 - 22 -玛丽安娜- -詹妮弗- piepszak紫色
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两年前,玛丽安湖和詹妮弗Piepszak交换工作,贸易公司首席财务官和一个高级消费者银行的首席执行官。这是一个时刻,揭示产业观察家多么严重摩根大通是给每个高管的经历她需要一天,也许,接管整个操作。摩根大通今年加大了前和建立我们的第一次”榜单tie-by放置在相同的工作在同一时间:消费者和社区银行的首席执行长。没有女人还在技术上运行一个华尔街银行(荣誉仍然只由简·弗雷泽在花旗),但这个共享的工作是接近。和510亿美元的净营收80亿美元在净利润,追逐比高盛(goldman Sachs)和第六大银行华尔街的。这一对互补简历。湖,52岁,为她赢得了条纹作为一个金融高管对数字的分析人士发现技巧现年51岁的引人注目,而Piepszak玫瑰企业和投资银行的行列荷兰国际集团(ing)的位置。在这种联合首席执行官的角色,每个正在继续建设领域中,她没有经验然而有很多。湖,一个英国移植到纽约,负责支付,贷款,和commerce-divisions像汽车金融和信用卡服务;Piepszak运行消费者和商业银行和财富管理。一些观察人士质疑为什么两个女人被放置在似乎是什么对峙的最高职位(两人接管了从退休高管戈登•史密斯的操作独奏)。有些干脆就被怀疑在这样一个重要的角色高水平可以成功(尽管函数轮班制安排并不少见在金融领域)。“在罕见的情况下的作品,这是辉煌的,”副简史蒂文森说董事会主席和首席执行官服务领导咨询公司光辉国际。“但如果你有两位领导人之间的竞争,倾向于创建破坏性或有毒元素。”在公开声明中,湖和Piepszak一直强调他们的尊重和吗对对方以及分析人士的支持看到两个主要竞争者成功杰米•戴蒙(尽管可能不是一段时间,鉴于他的新的五年,150万年的选择保留奖金)。“你看看他们你对他们有多好。”Evercore分析师绍尔。对于那些渴望看到另一个女人跑了华尔街的银行,一个安排地方两个受人尊敬的高管非常接近仅仅是一个好消息。艾玛·亨克里乌订阅报纸在世界上最强大的,我们的时事通讯。