JPMorgan Chase rising star to TIAA CEO caught the eye of Wall Street. The finance leader known for her work on inclusion for people of color in the financial system took over from retiring chief Roger Ferguson Jr. in May in a rare handoff between two Black chief executives. Now one of two Black female CEOs in the Fortune 500—and just the fourth ever—Duckett is tasked with steering the $41 billion financial giant with $1.3 trillion in assets under management. Subscribe to The Broadsheet, our newsletter on the world’s most powerful women."> 布朗Thasunda梅甘| 2021年“最具影响力女性|财富欧宝竞技ob - 欧宝体育下载平台

布朗Thasunda Duckett

”- 2021 - 10 - thasunda -布朗梅甘。
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梅甘的“从摩根大通冉冉升起的新星,TIAA首席执行官引起了华尔街的注意。财务领导人以她的工作包含有色人种的金融体系接管从5月的首席罗杰·弗格森退休jr .)在一次罕见的切换两个黑色的首席执行官。现在两位黑人女性ceo之一欧宝竞技ob500年——只是第四ever-Duckett负责指导的410亿美元金融巨头管理着1.3万亿美元的资产。订阅报纸在世界上最强大的,我们的时事通讯。