In 36 years as director of NIAID, Fauci has guided the U.S. response to outbreaks from AIDS to Zika. After mixed signals and inaction initially handicapped the federal reaction to the coronavirus, Fauci emerged as the administration’s most trusted authority figure. He has assuaged the public by speaking plainly, frequently, and honestly in briefings. And his candor about mistakes—“It’s a failing, let’s admit it,” he told Congress of the government’s testing efforts—has helped prompt the White House to course-correct.

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Anthony Fauci

安东尼,国家过敏症和传染病研究所的主任,参加冠状病毒特遣部队在白宫新闻发布会上在华盛顿,华盛顿特区,美国,星期五,2020年4月10日。唐纳德·特朗普总统说地狱周二介绍医生和商人的委员会将建议政府如何重启冠状病毒爆发后的经济。摄影师:凯文Dietsch通过盖蒂图片社/ UPI彭博凯文·布隆伯格Dietsch-UPI / /盖蒂图片社
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