Chevron and Exxon, and everything in between, and it has long been famous for vehement (and effective) opposition to regulations aimed at curbing climate change. But under Sommers, a former financial lobbyist and chief of staff to House Speaker John Boehner who took the reins in 2018, the API has changed course, recognizing that a hardline stance has become a liability for the industry as more investors and consumers (as well as governments) demand action to preserve the planet. Now the API is backing market-based solutions like carbon taxes and uniform, industrywide standards for reporting emissions—with the aim of giving its members a predictable set of rules to operate under as they undergo a long-term green transition. The API is also throwing its weight behind carbon capture and storage (CCS), a promising but nascent technology that aims to trap CO2 at its emission sources and sequester it. It’s a transitional technology that would enable polluters to shrink their atmospheric carbon footprint as they gradually wean themselves from fossil fuels. Many oil giants are pursuing CCS, but none has gone farther than Occidental. Under Vicki Hollub’s leadership, Oxy has won federal subsidies for the technology, and is now building air-capture plants that Hollub says will help the company be a “net-zero” emitter by 2040."> Mike Sommers和Vicki Hollub |财富欧宝竞技ob - 欧宝体育下载平台

Mike Sommers和Vicki Hollub

WGL 2021-迈克·萨默斯-薇姬·霍鲁布
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今年3月,当美国石油学会(American Petroleum Institute)宣布支持对二氧化碳排放征税时,人们的反应从完全不相信到深深的怀疑。API是石油和天然气行业的顶级游说团体,代表着小型的野猫钻井公司,比如大型跨国公司雪佛龙公司它一直以强烈(有效)反对旨在遏制气候变化的法规而闻名。但在2018年上任的前金融说客、众议院议长约翰·博纳(John Boehner)的幕僚长索莫斯(Sommers)的领导下,API改变了方向,认识到随着越来越多的投资者和消费者(以及政府)要求采取行动保护地球,强硬立场已成为行业的一种负担。欧宝球网站现在,API支持基于市场的解决方案,如碳税和统一的行业排放报告标准,目的是为其成员提供一套可预测的规则,以便他们在长期的绿色转型中运行。API也在大力支持碳捕获与储存CCS是一项很有前途但尚处于萌芽阶段的技术,旨在从排放源捕获二氧化碳并将其封存。这是一种过渡性技术,可以使污染者在逐渐摆脱对化石燃料的依赖的同时,减少他们在大气中的碳足迹。许多石油巨头都在追求CCS,但没有一家比西方石油走得更远。在Vicki Hollub的领导下,Oxy已经为这项技术赢得了联邦政府的补贴,目前正在建设空气捕捉工厂,Hollub表示,这些工厂将帮助该公司在2040年实现“净零”排放。