Woodbury, one of the fastest-growing suburbs in the Minneapolis–St. Paul area, is home to nearly 80,000 residents, who are drawn to its beautiful parks and award-winning educational programs.   While the city boasts more than 170 miles of nature trails, one of the area’s biggest draws is Woodbury Central Park, an indoor park complex that includes a public library and a branch of the YMCA. It hosts year-round activities including an arts and crafts fair and regular concert and movie nights. Children ages 12 and under can explore Lookout Ridge within Central Park, a playground with slides, forests, a tree house, and a cave.    Residents can also head to their local library for one-on-one technology help, book readings, and teen studios. The local police station works to promote safety by hosting free events like CPR courses and children’s car seat installation clinics year around.    Woodbury prides itself as being the “economic engine of the east metro,” as it added over 5,000 jobs in the last decade. —Kaitlyn Koterbski"> 伍德伯里| 2022最适合家庭居住的地方|财富欧宝竞技ob - 欧宝体育下载平台



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伍德伯里是明尼阿波利斯市发展最快的郊区之一。保罗地区拥有近8万居民,他们被美丽的公园和屡获殊荣的教育项目所吸引。而这座城市拥有170多英里的公路欧宝球网站通往自然景观的小径伍德伯里中央公园(Woodbury Central Park)是该地区最吸引人的景点之一,这是一个室内公园综合体,包括一座公共图书馆和基督教青年会(YMCA)的一个分支。它全年举办各种活动,包括艺术和手工艺博览会、定期的音乐会和电影之夜。12岁及以下的儿童可以探索中央公园内的了望岭这是一个有滑梯、森林、树屋和洞穴的游乐场。居民也可以前往他们的当地的图书馆一对一的技术帮助,书籍阅读,和青少年工作室。当地警察局常年举办免费活动,如心肺复苏术课程和儿童安全座椅安装诊所,以促进安全。伍德伯里为自己是“东部地铁的经济引擎”而自豪,因为它在过去十年中增加了5000多个工作岗位。凯特林Koterbski


单户住宅销售价格中位数(2022年) 405262美元
家庭收入中位数 115233美元
种族崩溃 黑人:6.1%,亚裔11%,西班牙裔:5.2%,白人,非西班牙裔:75.0%
美国种族分类 黑人:13.6%,亚裔:6.1%,西班牙裔:18.9%,白人,非西班牙裔:59.3%
社区福利指数得分(满分100分) 65
地区高中毕业率 92.8%
25英里范围内,每10万户家庭的优质家庭医生数量(3.5名或以上) 48
25英里内,每10万个家庭中优质养老院的数量 26