CEO Daily. Prior to joining Fortune in 2015, Murray led the rapid expansion of the Pew Research Center’s digital footprint as president of that organization. Before that, Murray was at the Wall Street Journal for many years, serving as deputy managing editor, executive editor online, Washington bureau chief, and author of the Political Capital and Business columns. He served for several years as Washington bureau chief for CNBC, and cohost of the nightly show Capital Report. He is the author of multiple books, including Showdown at Gucci Gulch: Lawmakers, Lobbyists, and the Unlikely Triumph of Tax Reform. Follow all of Alan's stories here.

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艾伦·默里是财富传媒的首席执行官。欧宝竞技ob他负责监督这家独立媒体公司的业务和编辑业务,并以扩大其数字和会议特许经营权而闻名。默里还为欧宝竞技ob首席执行官的日常.加盟前欧宝竞技ob2015年,默里作为皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)的主席,领导了该中心数字足迹的快0b足球速扩张。在那之前,默里在华尔街日报多年来,他曾担任副执行主编、在线执行主编、华盛顿分社社长,以及《政治资本》和《商业》专栏的作者。他曾担任美国全国广播公司财经频道(CNBC)华盛顿分社社长数年,并担任晚间节目的联合主持人资本的报告.他是多本书的作者,包括在古奇峡谷摊牌:立法者,游说者,以及税改不太可能的胜利.关注艾伦的所有故事在这里
